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/Chiel Stroeven

About Chiel Stroeven

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So far Chiel Stroeven has created 178 blog entries.

QGIS User Conference and Developer Meeting

By | June 21st, 2017|Events|

What: 18th QGIS User Conference and Developer Meeting Where: Nødebo, Denmark When: 2 - 11 August, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck, University of Twente, Netherlands Why: Get-together of international users and developers of the open-access geographic information system QGIS. The objective is to give an oral presentation about current state of PhD work and in particular the within the context of [...]

Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2017

By | June 21st, 2017|Events|

What: Innsbruck Summer School of Alpine Research 2017 Where: Innsbruck, Austria When: 16 - 22 July, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck, University of Twente, Netherlands Why: International summer school on innovative practical and methodological approaches to characterize complex terrain and objects using close-, near range and remote sensing techniques. The objective is to enlarge knowledge about feature extraction methods and to network [...]

LANDac conference 2017

By | June 21st, 2017|Events|

What: LANDac conference - Land Governance for Equitable and Sustainable Development Where: Utrecht, Netherlands When: 29 - 30 June, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck and Mila Koeva, University of Twente, Netherlands Why: Scientific conference of land-related researches and activists with a focus on land governance for equitable and sustainable development. The purpose is to give a presentation on its4land and present a poster [...]

Getting up-to-date on drones regulations and legislation at Drones East Africa Conference 2017

By | June 21st, 2017|News|

What: Drones East Africa Conference 2017 Where: Nairobi, Kenya When: 20 - 21 June, 2017 Who: Connie Schmidt, Esri, Rwanda Why: Connie Schmidt of Esri, Rwanda, partner in the its4land project, attended the conference to get up-to-date on the status and development of drone  regulations and legislation in East Africa. There were presentations on drones safety and security [...]

UAV-g 2017

By | June 20th, 2017|Events, Previous Events|

What: UAV-g 2017 - International Conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Geomatics Where: Bonn, Germany When: 4 - 7 September, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck, University of Twente, Netherlands Why: Scientific conference on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) regarding recent developments and future directions of UAVs in geomatics research, applications and service. The objective is to give an oral presentation on state of current [...]

Video footage of maiden flight DT-18 UAV

By | June 20th, 2017|News|

What: Video footage of the first data capture with the DT-18 by the University of Twente team Where: Aamsveen, Germany When: January 20 2017 Who: Claudia Stocker and Watse Siderius (UT) Why: Back in January, we spent a news item on the first test flight we conducted with the UAV we are using in its4land, the DT (Delair Tech)-18. [...]

Meeting – its4land MT 12

By | June 14th, 2017|Meetings|

What: its4land MT12 Where: Online (participants from Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia) When: Thursday 22 June 2017 (14:00 - 16:00 CET) Who: its4land MT members Why: The MT meets on a regular basis, particularly with regards to milestone accountability and deliverables.


By | June 14th, 2017|Events|

What: FOSS4GNL Where: Groningen, Netherlands When: 28 June, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck, University of Twente, Netherlands Why: Get-together of Dutch developers, users, and managers of open-access geographic information systems (GIS) such as QGIS. The objective is to network with people working on QGIS related (technical) issues and possibly with people working on (similar) plugin development as the one we are [...]

ISPRS Workshop: sharing experiences on automated feature extraction from high resolution imagery

By | June 12th, 2017|News|

What: ISPRS Workshop Where: Hannover, Germany When: 6 - 9 June, 2017 Who: Sophie Crommelinck, University of Twente/ITC, Netherlands Why: To attend the workshop to share the progress on work package 5: 'Automate It',  which aims to exploit the imagery captured in the UAV flights to enable automatic land tenure feature extraction and to exchange experiences. Sophie had useful discussions with [...]

Optimism about Land Rights for All (GIM International)

By | June 8th, 2017|Press|

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