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So far Rohan has created 75 blog entries.

WP4 UAV Trials – Germap

By | July 4th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: UAV Trials - Germap Where: Amtsvenn, Germany When: 4th July 2016 Who: Claudia Stoecker (UT) Why: ‘Fly and Create’ – Work Package 4 – is checking out the most fit-for-purpose UAV options for the planned work in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Kenya. We're feeding in initial ideas and thinking stemming from WP2. On July 4th we'll get a first hand [...]

WP4 UAV Trials – Delair Tech

By | June 30th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: UAV Trials - Germap Where: Toulouse, Germany When: 28th and 29th June 2016 Who: Claudia Stoecker (UT), Markus Gerke (UT) Why: ‘Fly and Create’ – Work Package 4 – is checking out the most fit-for-purpose UAV options for the planned work in Ethiopia, Rwanda, and Kenya. We're feeding in initial ideas and thinking stemming from WP2. [...]

Meeting – tech4land 1.0

By | June 21st, 2016|Meetings, News|

What: Tool Interface Workshop for WP3, WP4, WP5, and WP6 Where: Munster, Germany When: June 20 2016 Who: Angela Schwering (WWU), Malumbo Chipofya (WWU), Carl Schulz (WWU), Claudia Stocker (UT), Sophie Crommelinck (UT), Markus Gerke (UT), Michael Yang (UT), Rohan Bennett (UT), Christian Timm (HL), Tarek Zein (HL), and Frederick Mueller (HL). Why: We're getting together to discuss the interactions [...]

Meeting – its4land MT3

By | June 9th, 2016|Meetings|

What: its4land MT#3 Where: Online (by invitation) When: Thursday 09th April 2016, 14:00 - 16:00 Who: its4land MT members Why: Project management, share4land, website, finances, mini-kick-offs, stakeholder engagement

‘Mapping your world: tools for mapping land rights’ (xhyt magazine)

By | May 26th, 2016|Press|

Rwanda – its4land/EALAN Collaboration

By | May 26th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: East African Land Administration Network  (EALAN) - Research Strategy & Workplan Writeshop Where: Musanze, Rwanda When: 23-27 May Who: Mireille Biraro  (INES), Robert Wayumba (TUK), Daniel Ambaye (BDU), Rohan Bennett (UT), and Monica Lengoiboni (UT) Why: We're helping out with the creation of a regional research strategy for East African land administration - including leveraging off synergies between EALAN and [...]

its4land @ FIG2016

By | May 3rd, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events, Uncategorized|

What: International Federation of Surveyors - 2016 Working Week Where: Christchurch, New Zealand When: 1-5 May 2016 Who: Rohan Bennett (University of Twente) Why: Rohan will showcase its4land on a presentation on knowledge chain innovation. More: FIG2016

Rwanda – Kick-Off Meet & Greet

By | April 20th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: its4land kick-off meet and greet event with Rwandan end-users and beneficiaries Where: Musanze District, Rwanda When: 23-25 April 2016; 23-27 May 2016 Who: Mireille Biraro (INES), Joep Crompvoets (KU Lueven), Rohan Bennett and Monica Lengoiboni (University of Twente), and its4land stakeholders Why: Network and stakeholder building, case sensitisation, reconnaissance, and fieldwork planning for 'Get Needs'

Ethiopia – Kick-Off Meet & Greet

By | April 20th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: its4land kick-off meet and greet event with Ethiopian end-users and beneficiaries Where: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia When: 23-25 April 2016 Who: Berhanu Alemie (Bahir Dar), Joep Crompvoets (KU Lueven) and Tarek Zein (Hansa Luftbild), and its4land stakeholders Why: Network and stakeholder building, case sensitisation, reconnaissance, and fieldwork planning for 'Get Needs'  

its4land @ UN-GGIM

By | April 20th, 2016|Events, News, Previous Events|

What: Fourth High Level Forum on United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management Where: UNECA’s Headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia When: 20-22 April 2016 Who: Joep Crompvoets (KU Lueven) and Tarek Zein (Hansa Luftbild) Why: Joep will present an overview of its4land and be a panel member during the 'Geospatial land data elements' session. More: UN-GGIM site and see [...]