Intergeo 2019 – Germany
Intergeo is the largest platform of the geopatial community worldwide. This year the conference celebrated its 25th anniversary and took place in Stuttgart, Germany, from 17 – 19 September 2019. The conference hosted more than 680 exhibitors from all over the world which showed their innovations. Hansa Luftbild has been an Intergeo-exhibitor for many years and used this year’s conference to promote the its4land land administration toolbox. The ist4land project partners from WWU and UT-ITC also attended the conference to promote their exploitable results.
Intergeo gave the its4land project a large international exposure given that some 19’000 interested guests attended the conference. With such an exposure the innovative geospatial software tools and project results of its4land will have a good start to be commercialized internationally.

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