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WP2 is fundamentally about capturing the end-user and market opportunities regarding land tenure recordation tools in the three East African countries, with respect to the four geospatial technologies identified. A multi- stakeholder and multi-sectorial viewpoint is taken, as per the overarching innovation process – and based on Latour (2005) and Macharis’s (2005) interdisciplinary approach. The diverse nature of the actors of interest with regards to interest and potential impact on the project is taken into account: different data capture instruments are utilized for different interest groups. Moreover, the actor-network approach has the strength that the analysed network does not merely consider people, but appropriate objects and organizations. The process from conception to final reporting of WP2 necessarily takes 24 months. The seed nature of the WP, with respect to other WPs, means all consortium members are involved in the articulation of the data capture instruments and final synthesis of results. Upon completion as clear set of readiness, qualitative, functional, and architectural requirements are available as inputs to the geospatial technology work packages (WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6), and the more institutionally oriented work packages (WP7, WP8). Moreover, WP2 deliverables provide stand-alone insights into the current status of land tenure recording and ICT capacity in the three target countries.