The Hansa Luftbild team has now released the Publish and Share platform for internal and external tests and evaluations. We have developed the main technical components of Publish and Share to Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 5-6. The platform has been deployed on the AWS cloud platform, for further testing and optimization in order to reach TRL 7 by the end of the project.
What is Publish and Share?
Publish and Share offers a set of high level GeoCloud based services for developers of land administration systems to use or integrate spatial references for tenure registration. Using these GeoCloud services allows a vendor to concentrate on functionalities required by their customer instead of re-implementing existing solutions for common problems. All these services are based on the concepts introduced by LADM.
The GeoCloud services are composed of 4 major building blocks:
- A set of public REST-APIs that allows tools and applications to interact with the Publish and Share platform
- A tool runtime environment for smart sketchmaps, image processing, boundary delineation and other tools
- A data repository for alphanumeric, geographic and image data
- OGC services for data dissemination
Where can I access it?
The Publish and Share platform is available via the link:
In addition to the GeoCloud services described above, developers and users who want to use Publish and Share in their own projects will find on this site resources like documentation and client libraries for the API. It also includes a web application to demonstrate the integration of its4land tools into the Publish and Share platform.
Who can use Publish and Share?
As part of our work, we have identified and developed usage scenarios for the Publish and Share platform. Four different types of stakeholders for commercialisation or usage can be considered:
End-User: Uses the its4land tools and the dissemination capabilities of Publish and Share to solve a domain specific problem. E.g. a land administration expert who capture parcels.
Implementer/Integrator/Independent Software Vendors (ISV): Uses its4land Publish and Share to create services/applications or integration for end users. These could be additional tools, specific client interfaces or the integration of its4land into existing systems and workflows. E.g. a land administration authority uses Publish and Share to integrate the Automate It tool into their parcel creation process, or an ISV creates a cadastral application that uses Draw and Make to allow the capturing of non-parcel based spatial units, or a general purpose aerial image processing application based on Fly and Create.
Platform-Operator: Operates the platform. A platform (instance) can host several Implementer/Integrator projects. This could be done on a pay per use basis.
Platform-Developer: Development, maintenance of the Publish and Share platform software.
How can you use Publish and Share?
Publish and Share supports four different usage models to support the needs of different stakeholders:
Application: An application typically implements a domain or user specific workflow. Usually an application is developed as a single page web application or mobile app and relies on the platform API. Other types of applications are possible; e.g. a QGIS-plugin that interacts with Publish and Share.
Integration: An existing Land Administration System integrates Publish and Share functionality into its own workflow. This integration is done on the programmatic API level.
Tools: A tool implements self-contained functionality. Typically these are CPU and storage intensive tasks. Tools make use of the API and data models specified by the platform to organize information, but otherwise operate in an isolated manner. The algorithms and methods developed in the other work packages of its4land are implemented as tools.
Platform extension: A platform extension implements functionalities at the level of the platform API. A typical platform extension could be a new API method that provides data from Publish and Share customized to a land administration system.
Publish and Share uses state of the art concepts and techniques, like cloud and platform based computing or API centred architectures. These are techniques and concepts which are widely used in today’s IT projects in every usage domain and not only limited to the land administration sector. By incorporating and training the local its4land project partners in these technologies and concepts, Publish and Share can be seen as a starting step for evolving cloud based computing and open source in East-Africa and is not restricted only to the domain of land administration.
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