Over the last year, ‘Get Needs’ (work package 2), led by KU Leuven, has engaged with almost 60 organisations and community groups (around 100 individuals) across Rwanda, Kenya and Ethiopia and sought to identify relevant land issues, document land tenure information needs in response to the challenge of sustainable urbanisation, readiness requirements for using its4land technologies and potential market opportunities.

Work package 2 employed a combination of structured and semi-structured group interview methods for data collection and these findings are documented in deliverable D2.4 and analysed in deliverable D2.5. Implications for the other work packages have also been provided in D2.5. Work package 2 is considered to be concluded with only deliverable D2.6 (academic publications) outstanding. The focus now is on completing the preparation of articles for submission to conferences and journals.

Deliverable D2.5 is now available for download here or alternatively at the deliverables sections of our website where you can also download other its4land deliverables.

Interested in its4land publications? Then please visit the publication section of our website.