The second deliverable of its4land’s Govern and Grow work package ‘Review of governance and capacity development models’ aims to get a better interdisciplinary understanding of existing models of governance and capacity development. Based on a literature review and the recommendations from the requirements synthesis done in the Get Needs work package (Deliverable 2.5), we’ve selected six models that could support the development of the its4land model.

From the selected models, three are from a “Public governance” perspective and three from a “Good governance” perspective. The frameworks that are part of the “Public governance” approach are:

  1. Framework for Understanding Policy Competences and Capabilities
  2. Conceptual Framework for the Shifts in Modes of Environmental Governance and
  3. The Governance Assessment Tool.

These three frameworks have been applied in contexts that include developed and developing countries, which can facilitate their adaptation for the African context. The three selected models have proved to bring relevant insights regarding the understanding of the governance arrangement while considering the sustainability of the policy and capacity development.

The “Public governance” models have an academic perspective while, the “Good governance” models are promoted by international organisations. The frameworks that are part of the “Good governance” approach are:

  1. Multi-level Governance Assessment-OECD,
  2. Framework and Guidelines in Land Policy Africa and
  3. Land Governance Assessment Framework.

These three governance models also consider the sustainability of the policy, as well as capacity development. The Multi-level Governance Assessment-OECD has influenced the international agenda regarding specific governance elements such as transparency. The Framework and Guidelines in Land Policy Africa is one of the governance models that has been applied in the African context and it is the result of an important social agreement regarding normative expectations of Land Governance. Finally, the Land Governance Assessment Framework model is one of the most developed models applied in Africa and provides a deep understanding of land issues in the three selected cases. This model has been directly applied in the countries of Rwanda, Ethiopia and Kenya.

Based on the strengths of aforementioned models and considering the definitions of both governance and capacity development presented in Deliverable 7.1 (Governance Definition Review), a new conceptual model for the use of the its4land tools will be developed in Deliverable 7.3 ‘Initial versions of its4land governance and capacity development models’, which is due February 2019.

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